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My name is Maya.
I am happy to welcome everybody’s attention and interest!

My yoga path has being a continued progression for 8 years. I discovered yoga by introduction to mystic philosophy and Kundalini yoga with Marc Descamps (transpersonal yoga – Institut Français du Transpersonnel).
As I felt how ancient indian philosophy was deeply resonating in myself, I intensified learning through Hatha yoga training program, (lineages Swami-Raj-Bua, Satyananda, André Van Lysbeth) with Maurice Daubard (yogi of extreme – Centre de Hatha yoga et Tummo).
Enchanced positivity in my body brought me to Ashtanga yoga practice with Patrick Frapeau (‘Mysore practice in Paris’) and Dany Sa (Ashtangayogario). I am thankful to Dr. M. A.Jayashree and M.A.Narasimhan (Sanskrit studies), Jani Jaatinen (Meditation and Vedic philosophy), who enlighten my life goals through the authentic wisdom.

Yoga became for me a cultivated daily disciplined practice. It is a very real, daily ritual I go through with the intention of cleaning my internal body, clearing out my mind.
I continue uplifting my perspectives, happy being inspired again, again and again ॐ

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